The series focuses on Ben Bones, an undead skeleton. Along with his friends, Lenny and Priscilla, they are to protect Freaktown against a massive makeover of the cute and cuddly kind, courtesy of Princess Boo Boo, the spoiled brat ruler of Sweetlandia and her right-hand bear, Lord Cuddles the Fluffy.
HiCartoon is the best site to watch freaktown online, or you can even watch freaktown in HD quality. You can watch freaktown free on HiCartoon website.
The series focuses on Ben Bones, an undead skeleton. Along with his friends, Lenny and Priscilla, they are to protect Freaktown against a massive makeover of the cute and cuddly kind, courtesy of Princess Boo Boo, the spoiled brat ruler of Sweetlandia and her right-hand bear, Lord Cuddles the Fluffy.
September 2015
Currently Airing
HiCartoon is the best site to watch freaktown online, or you can even watch freaktown in HD quality. You can watch freaktown free on HiCartoon website.