Modern Toss is a partly animated British comedy programme based on characters from Modern Toss, the creation of British comedy writers and cartoonists Jon Link and Mick Bunnage. Renowned for their scurrilous humour and highly stylised animation, it was created in 2004, initially as a website publishing single panel jokes and then as series of irregularly released comics.
Modern Toss
HiCartoon is the best site to watch modern toss online, or you can even watch modern toss in HD quality. You can watch modern toss free on HiCartoon website.
Modern Toss is a partly animated British comedy programme based on characters from Modern Toss, the creation of British comedy writers and cartoonists Jon Link and Mick Bunnage. Renowned for their scurrilous humour and highly stylised animation, it was created in 2004, initially as a website publishing single panel jokes and then as series of irregularly released comics.
Finished Airing
HiCartoon is the best site to watch modern toss online, or you can even watch modern toss in HD quality. You can watch modern toss free on HiCartoon website.