Mr. Squiggle was Australia's longest-running children's television series, and the name of the title character from that ABC show. The show has been presented on television in many formats, from five minute slots to a one-and-a-half hour variety show featuring other performers, and has had several name changes, originally airing as Mr. Squiggle and Friends. The program at its height, was one of the most popular children's programs and toured theatre and conventions, entertaining several generations who grew with the program.
Mr. Squiggle and Friends
HiCartoon is the best site to watch mr. squiggle and friends online, or you can even watch mr. squiggle and friends in HD quality. You can watch mr. squiggle and friends free on HiCartoon website.
Mr. Squiggle was Australia's longest-running children's television series, and the name of the title character from that ABC show. The show has been presented on television in many formats, from five minute slots to a one-and-a-half hour variety show featuring other performers, and has had several name changes, originally airing as Mr. Squiggle and Friends. The program at its height, was one of the most popular children's programs and toured theatre and conventions, entertaining several generations who grew with the program.
HiCartoon is the best site to watch mr. squiggle and friends online, or you can even watch mr. squiggle and friends in HD quality. You can watch mr. squiggle and friends free on HiCartoon website.