The film is an adaptation of a story in Chinese mythology about the warrior deity Nezha, who became a student of the immortal Taiyi Zhenren. The main part of the story revolves around Nezha's feud with Ao Guang, the Dragon King of the Eastern Sea, whom he angers through the killing of Ao Bing, Ao Guang's third son.
Nezha Conquers the Dragon King
HiCartoon is the best site to watch nezha conquers the dragon king online, or you can even watch nezha conquers the dragon king in HD quality. You can watch nezha conquers the dragon king free on HiCartoon website.
The film is an adaptation of a story in Chinese mythology about the warrior deity Nezha, who became a student of the immortal Taiyi Zhenren. The main part of the story revolves around Nezha's feud with Ao Guang, the Dragon King of the Eastern Sea, whom he angers through the killing of Ao Bing, Ao Guang's third son.
HiCartoon is the best site to watch nezha conquers the dragon king online, or you can even watch nezha conquers the dragon king in HD quality. You can watch nezha conquers the dragon king free on HiCartoon website.