Short lived animated spin off of the television series Sabrina the Teenage Witch. The animated series is a prequel which features Sabrina as a skinny, attitude giving, pre-teen with small witch powers. Also features the hilarious wise-cracking cat Salem, Sabrina's naive surfer dude friend Harvey, spoiled brat rich girl Gem Stone, Sabrina's rule stricken uncle Uncle Quigley, Sabrina's spaced out friend Pi, and of course, Aunt Hilda and Aunt Zelda, Sabrina's two criticizing, witchy aunts.
Sabrina: The Animated Series (1999)
HiCartoon is the best site to watch sabrina: the animated series (1999) online, or you can even watch sabrina: the animated series (1999) in HD quality. You can watch sabrina: the animated series (1999) free on HiCartoon website.
Short lived animated spin off of the television series Sabrina the Teenage Witch. The animated series is a prequel which features Sabrina as a skinny, attitude giving, pre-teen with small witch powers. Also features the hilarious wise-cracking cat Salem, Sabrina's naive surfer dude friend Harvey, spoiled brat rich girl Gem Stone, Sabrina's rule stricken uncle Uncle Quigley, Sabrina's spaced out friend Pi, and of course, Aunt Hilda and Aunt Zelda, Sabrina's two criticizing, witchy aunts.
HiCartoon is the best site to watch sabrina: the animated series (1999) online, or you can even watch sabrina: the animated series (1999) in HD quality. You can watch sabrina: the animated series (1999) free on HiCartoon website.