Scaredy Squirrel

The series chronicles the adventures of Scaredy, an energetic squirrel, and his best friend Dave, a skunk. Their antics take place in fictional Balsa City, and often at the local supermarket the Stash n' Hoard, where Scaredy works as a stacker.

HiCartoon is the best site to watch scaredy squirrel online, or you can even watch scaredy squirrel in HD quality. You can watch scaredy squirrel free on HiCartoon website.

The series chronicles the adventures of Scaredy, an energetic squirrel, and his best friend Dave, a skunk. Their antics take place in fictional Balsa City, and often at the local supermarket the Stash n' Hoard, where Scaredy works as a stacker.
Aired: 2010
Status: Finished Airing
Genres: Comedy

HiCartoon is the best site to watch scaredy squirrel online, or you can even watch scaredy squirrel in HD quality. You can watch scaredy squirrel free on HiCartoon website.
