The show is about a witty jester named Tenali Raman living in the town of Vijayanagara,the king Krishnadevaraya's best friend and the Rajguru and Tingary have plans to get Tenali put out of the palace,but their plans never work,with his yellow cat Sundari,he manages to work out every adventure he enters. Airs on Cartoon Network and Discovery Kids Created by Toonz
The Adventures of Tenali Raman
HiCartoon is the best site to watch the adventures of tenali raman online, or you can even watch the adventures of tenali raman in HD quality. You can watch the adventures of tenali raman free on HiCartoon website.
The show is about a witty jester named Tenali Raman living in the town of Vijayanagara,the king Krishnadevaraya's best friend and the Rajguru and Tingary have plans to get Tenali put out of the palace,but their plans never work,with his yellow cat Sundari,he manages to work out every adventure he enters. Airs on Cartoon Network and Discovery Kids Created by Toonz
HiCartoon is the best site to watch the adventures of tenali raman online, or you can even watch the adventures of tenali raman in HD quality. You can watch the adventures of tenali raman free on HiCartoon website.