Batman of Shanghai is a series of animated shorts from the DC Nation block on Cartoon Network, presenting a unique re-imagining of the Batman universe in a heavily stylized form, set in a 1930's era Shanghai.
The Bat Man of Shanghai
HiCartoon is the best site to watch the bat man of shanghai online, or you can even watch the bat man of shanghai in HD quality. You can watch the bat man of shanghai free on HiCartoon website.
Batman of Shanghai is a series of animated shorts from the DC Nation block on Cartoon Network, presenting a unique re-imagining of the Batman universe in a heavily stylized form, set in a 1930's era Shanghai.
Finished Airing
HiCartoon is the best site to watch the bat man of shanghai online, or you can even watch the bat man of shanghai in HD quality. You can watch the bat man of shanghai free on HiCartoon website.