

The series revolves around a group of superheroes, nicknamed Ultras. Although originally ordinary people who gained super powers that were used for evil purposes. A group of superhero Ultras was formed, led by Hardcase, to fight the Ultras and their evil bad guys - Rune, Lord Pumpkin, and Sludge.

HiCartoon is the best site to watch ultraforce online, or you can even watch ultraforce in HD quality. You can watch ultraforce free on HiCartoon website.


The series revolves around a group of superheroes, nicknamed Ultras. Although originally ordinary people who gained super powers that were used for evil purposes. A group of superhero Ultras was formed, led by Hardcase, to fight the Ultras and their evil bad guys - Rune, Lord Pumpkin, and Sludge.

Aired: 1995
Status: Finished Airing

HiCartoon is the best site to watch ultraforce online, or you can even watch ultraforce in HD quality. You can watch ultraforce free on HiCartoon website.
